Saturday, December 3, 2011


Your emotions are up down and all around, Pisces, when it comes to the game of love. Whether you are single or attached, you are in a period where you are feeling like you have stormy skies one minute, and blue skies the next. This is a period where you don't want to get too carried away by the stormy energy, but rather focus on what it is that makes you happy and fulfilled during those blue sky days. If you have been missing someone from the past, then you will want to tighten your focus in this direction. It is possible that you have misjudged a situation and there is a way to work things out, but you will need to make the next move here.

You may have been experiencing some sadness when it comes to romance, Pisces, but you can take control of this situation and overcome it. It is possible that you have been missing someone or their presence in your life, and this is a good period for you to reconnect. The universe is sending this energy of missing someone to let you know that they will be very receptive to hearing from you as well. You don't need to take a step that is heavy or intense, as light hearted things are the markers of this energy. Be friendly and light and easy, and write a note or make a call to this person you have been missing. This connection has been put in your life for a reason, and the universe is saying that purpose has not been fulfilled, so you may want to do something about that to overcome this blue period.