Sunday, September 18, 2011

Lack of interest

For the past few years I engulfed myself in Dallas Cowboys football, okay not just Dallas but football in general. In 2008, I made it one of my number one priorities to know everything about football there was to know, all to impress some guy. And it's funny because now that I have a guy who loves me unconditionally, I don't feel the need to drain myself or exhaust myself trying to find out the stats or trying to look up the QB average and compare it to the other QB that's playing.

Now I have more time on my hand and all I do is watch. It's fun to be just a watcher and not so much a know-it-all. It does kind of suck because last season I feel like I knew WAY more and after this whole lock-out with the players I just kind of lost an interest. I still know a lot about football, don't get me wrong, but it doesn't occupy my entire Sunday.

I mean I still love the Cowboys, don't get me wrong, but not knowing everything about them is just amazing. I love just being a fan! I love not having to know all that useless football knowledge that I'm never going to use. It's great to be excited to see Miles Austin in person and  act like I just saw a celebrity!!

It's also good to know that I don't have to impress Rodney by knowing all these stupid useless  football facts and that impressing him is as easy as trying to draw something. My Sunday's still consist of football but not to the extent of what it was and I couldn't be more excited!

Yes, I still get excited about going to games and watching but to just sit down on the couch and just watch a game is so refreshing and relieving. So here is to all the Sunday's that I knew too much and HERE is to the Sunday's I sit and just watch a football game :) 

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