Thursday, December 30, 2010

Sometimes Life Happens

Life is crazy. You have ups and you have downs. You remember the worst part of your day. Rather than remembering that thing or person that made you smile. Sometimes you make a sacrifice for a friend in order to help them out. It takes a lot to get through a day and more to get through a whole year. Here are some of the things that I've been through and looking back at the awesome year I've had, I'm glad I have gone through what I have.

-lost a few good friends to something stupid
-moved into a new apartment

-another birthday came and went
-spent another Valentines with no boyfriend

-started coaching my soccer team the "crazylegs"

-caused a HUGE mess at Smoothie King when a water pipe broke and cause major water damage

-became manager of Smoothie King, even after the damage
-went to Boston for my Maymester class and had a blast

-Started my 409 class
-Also started going out more to Banita Creek Hall and loved every minute of it. (this is where I fell in love with square dancing)
-Got a personal trainer!

-started another summer class, this time it was copy editing (sounds as much fun as it was)
-still going out to Banita and dancing my heart out
-fired my first employee. (she didn't even show up for her first shift)

-started up school... again
-was really happy with one person that was in my class
-took engagement photos for Sharon Tiner

-thought I fell for someone really good for me... turns out he wasn't. What's new...
-CrazyLegs season II starts!!
-My best friend lost her dad and it's been a rough road but every day gets better, even though the pain lingers

-fired another person
-started talking to a really great guy
-fell for a really great guy and then realized I was more of a friend than someone he would want to date
-really thought I had meant something to him and it really hurt and still kind of does
-took more engagement photos. This time for Jessica Woolsey

-having problems at work and trying to figure out how to deal with them
-took senior photos for Becca Walters

-started having dreams about someone I let go over a year ago
-still having issues at work and still trying to deal with them

So here is to the broken hearts, the tears, the laughs, the jeers, the happy times, the smiles that come and to whatever else comes along in 2011.

I am not going to be like everyone else this new years and make those new year resolutions about wanting to lose weight or stop doing something to better myself or to better my heath. In 2011, I am going to focus on what matters most... me.

This year was about me, kind of, but there had been a lot of interuptions and I think in order to get what I want I have to focus on the things that I love and then maybe someone who I can give my heart to will come into my life..

So here is to a new year. New memories. And new adventures.

Thanks 2010 for another great year :)

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Tis The Season

Okay so honestly Christmas always kind of gets me down and really I could just care less. Well, a lot of that "Scroogeness" had to do with the fact that Christmas comes off to me as a very romantic holiday, way more than Valentines Day (which I REALLY HATE), and I've never had someone to spend Christmas with and share it's romantic nature. But recently I've been let down and thrown off guard and it really opened my eyes and with Christmas right around the corner and I am not dreading the holiday this year. I still don't have anyone to spend the holiday with but my family and friends are all I need right now.

Christmas has always been about the presents and what do "I" want and Christmas lists and what can Santa bring "me"... well this Christmas let it be about someone else. Let it be about your best friend, your mom or dad, or grandma, or even give a little to the Salvation Army. Let it be about forgiveness and celebration. Let it be about more than the "I want this: and I want that's".

Sometimes a Christmas Miricale comes from within...

Monday, December 6, 2010

This is me

My name is Jordan, okay well it's really Ellen (legally) but my middle name is Jordan and that is what I choose to go by. I live and work in the small town of Nacogdoches. I love what I do and am so glad I am where I am today :)

Let me tell you a little about me: I grew up in Dallas near White Rock Lake. I went to two different elementary schools in Dallas and then my parents thought it would be best to further my education in Richardson. So from 7th-12th grade I lived in Richardson. I was in my Junior High and High School band. I played soccer for my Junior High and tried out for my High School team 4 times and never made it. (I was told I was not "healthy enough" and "too aggressive")
I then went off to college here in Nacogdoches and remained in the band for three years. In the spring semester of my sophomore year I recieved an internship at the Walt Disney World Resort in Orlando, FL. For eight months I lived the life. I had so much fun working for Disney. I would not trade anything in the world for the memories I still have and keep very dear to my heart. But after my eight month internship with Disney I decided to come home and finish my schooling.
Now I am a semester away from graduating with a BA in Journalism and a minor in Radio/TV. My next step is to get my masters here in Nacogdoches in general business and finance out the local store that I am currently managing.

There is a lot more to my life than what I have said in my introduction but I figured if you see where I came from you can follow me as I figure out my own path in life :)

"What we do in life ehoes in eternity"
