Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Tis The Season

Okay so honestly Christmas always kind of gets me down and really I could just care less. Well, a lot of that "Scroogeness" had to do with the fact that Christmas comes off to me as a very romantic holiday, way more than Valentines Day (which I REALLY HATE), and I've never had someone to spend Christmas with and share it's romantic nature. But recently I've been let down and thrown off guard and it really opened my eyes and with Christmas right around the corner and I am not dreading the holiday this year. I still don't have anyone to spend the holiday with but my family and friends are all I need right now.

Christmas has always been about the presents and what do "I" want and Christmas lists and what can Santa bring "me"... well this Christmas let it be about someone else. Let it be about your best friend, your mom or dad, or grandma, or even give a little to the Salvation Army. Let it be about forgiveness and celebration. Let it be about more than the "I want this: and I want that's".

Sometimes a Christmas Miricale comes from within...

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