Monday, December 6, 2010

This is me

My name is Jordan, okay well it's really Ellen (legally) but my middle name is Jordan and that is what I choose to go by. I live and work in the small town of Nacogdoches. I love what I do and am so glad I am where I am today :)

Let me tell you a little about me: I grew up in Dallas near White Rock Lake. I went to two different elementary schools in Dallas and then my parents thought it would be best to further my education in Richardson. So from 7th-12th grade I lived in Richardson. I was in my Junior High and High School band. I played soccer for my Junior High and tried out for my High School team 4 times and never made it. (I was told I was not "healthy enough" and "too aggressive")
I then went off to college here in Nacogdoches and remained in the band for three years. In the spring semester of my sophomore year I recieved an internship at the Walt Disney World Resort in Orlando, FL. For eight months I lived the life. I had so much fun working for Disney. I would not trade anything in the world for the memories I still have and keep very dear to my heart. But after my eight month internship with Disney I decided to come home and finish my schooling.
Now I am a semester away from graduating with a BA in Journalism and a minor in Radio/TV. My next step is to get my masters here in Nacogdoches in general business and finance out the local store that I am currently managing.

There is a lot more to my life than what I have said in my introduction but I figured if you see where I came from you can follow me as I figure out my own path in life :)

"What we do in life ehoes in eternity"


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