Monday, June 6, 2011

Ambitious Drive

Well here I am, again, trying to figure out my future.
I think, for now, this is what I have decided.

I plan to stay in Nacogdoches for at least another year-ish, this way I can get to see what life is like with school and get a feel for real-world situations. I would still coach my little soccer kiddos, hopefully I'd be able to coach at least two different teams. Heck, if I could I would coach five different teams, I just love it that much! After about May or June of 2012, I would move to Houston, or around Houston, and see if I could get some advertising business experience under my belt and then apply for a position at Disney World in Florida.

I've really thought long and hard about wanting to own the Smoothie King here in Nac and I just don't want to do it. I've put my heart and soul into the store and just don't think I'm getting anything out of it. I've put together a binder or everything I've accomplished, signs I've created, any sort of advertising I have done for the store and am going to put together my resume and take my portfolio and my resume and hit the streets.

I love Smoothie King and would love to stay there but I don't think I really want to anymore. My hands are really tied though because I love this store, I love this city, and I have given my heart and soul into this store and I don't want to see this store go to anyone else. But at the same time, I don't feel as appreciated or my work is being overlooked and I'm really only a part-time employee when I can and want to be a full-time employee.

I think that's what gets me so upset about this job. Is that I am ready to be that full-time employee and they still see me as a part-time employee. But then again, I still have summer school in July and will not graduate until August 13th, so maybe part-time is good for right now and then come August I can be full-time and get paid what I should be paid :)

Still sticking to the plan uptop though...

It's always something

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