Friday, June 3, 2011

"Sexual Desire"

Oooookay so I have to get this off my chest because I think it is absolutely RI.DIC.ULOUS!

Making a Facebook page ... for you PET!
Cats, dogs, hamsters, fish and monkeys have no reason to have a Facebook page. And the person that creates this page for their pet has got to seriously have some issues and or a LOT of free time on their hands.
And then there are those people who put their pets in relationships with someone else’s pet.
Animals are not people!
This makes me SO Irritated!
What really ticks me off is the fact that Facebook used to be for networking and for college kids. I did not have a Facebook until my freshman year at SFA.
Now anyone or anything, apparently, can gain access to Facebook.
I just think it's stupid to make your pet a Facebook.
They have no way of accessing the Internet or even understanding what is going on.
They sit on the couch all day and lick themselves or chase their tails.
Why waste your time and more importantly the sanity of others!

Okay next rant...

So this lady came into Smoothie King the other day and basically had it out with me. She came in and got an Angel Food and while I was making it started to yell at me. I thought I was doing something wrong, but I knew that wasn't right because I hardly ever mess up a smoothie. So I turned around to acknowledge her and her loud voice and it turns out she was complaining about the music. The song. "Sexual Desire" was playing. Yes, I can understand how that may be a bit inappropriate, but it's a 3 minute song that happened to be on while she was in Smoothie King. She was telling me that because the song had the word "sex" in it I should be ashamed at myself for even listening, let alone thinking about the word in the song.

I politely told the lady that I did not control the music selection and that we had it on an XM station in the back titled "HITLINE". I also tried to explain to this lady that when we are working we don't really listen to the music, it's more of background noise than anything else. I honestly forget there is music sometimes because I am too busy listening to the wonderful humming of the blenders. She then proceeded to ask for the manager. HA! The look on her face once I said that I was the manager was absolutely priceless! But then... the real torture came out.

This crazy lady then proceeds to tell me I need to re-evaluate my morals and the morals of my employees because it is just wrong and immoral for us to be listening to such music. I really wanted to ask her if she had turned on her radio in the last 5 years, but I held my tongue and just let her yell at me...

But seriously, I understand how that song could and might offend some people but with the lyrics that are being written now-days you are lucky to listen to a song without some sort of sexual innuendo. I mean Rihanna is singing about being beaten, Miley Cyrus is singing about being a sex symbol, and you have so many other artists out there bringing sex into the ears of everyone.

Sex sells, I get it, but I do find some songs very offensive and inappropriate, considering 6-7 years ago *NSYNC and Backstreet Boys were popular and all they sang about was love and finding happiness. But the main reason society has sex on the brain and why 12 year-old little girls are having sex is because of the songs they hear.

Rihanna is not the best example or role model for any young girl. I understand where the lady was coming from, but at the same time I don’t write the lyrics to these songs and I am not the one in control of the music selection. Sorry lady. If you want classical music go to a little bistro downtown…

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