Thursday, June 30, 2011

I don't really know what to write about.
I have so much going on in my life right now, some of which I want to keep private, but other stuff I want to scream it from the top of Mount Everest!

I'll start with this: I am super nervous about my first day at State Farm on Tuesday. I feel like I am going to fit in very well there and do just fine but I feel like maybe I rushed this. I mean, I'm only 23 and I just feel really young. I mean I feel old because I am the oldest amongst my friends, but I just really hope I am ready for everything this job is wanting. I mean I get to have my own office. None of my other friends have their own office. I get my own name plate and everything. It's a HUGE step toward something great and I am so blessed, beyond blessed, to have even gotten this opportunity and hopefully I'll be able to live up to the big hype that has been created! I have no doubt I'll go in there and ROCK IT! But it's going to be WAY different than any other job I have ever had, so you know what I am going to walk in with my head held high and give it everything I've got! Be the best I can be and give it 150% like I always do!

Next, is the boy. I know it's been a while since I've even mentioned RTJ, but things are going very well! I am so glad to have him in my life and glad God blessed me with such a great guy. It took a lot of heartbreaks and pain but truly when you least expect it, God blesses you with what you thought you never needed :)
Roommates: my roommates are just beyond awesome! Today they even dresses similar. The other day they were in here rolling around in living room laughing their BUTTS off! I love my roommates and they are seriously some of my best friends! Could not imagine my life without either of them!!

Well tomorrow is my last day at Smoothie King and it's bitter sweet. I honestly could have seen myself owning that store and living in Nacogdoches, but sometimes this funny thing called life comes up from behind you and brings changes that will either be for the best or help you learn and grow! So here is to life and love :)
Sometimes life (just) happens...

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