Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Getting My Groove Back

For the past two weeks I have seriously been exhausted. Going from one strenuous job to overloading my brain at the next really takes a toll on you! I haven't really had time to myself to do anything like workout or anything like that. All I have done is sleep, go to work and sleep. I've done some cleaning in between naps and working but most of the time I can't keep my eyes open. Any time I lye down my eyes are pulled shut.

Yvette and Abby have been doing P90X and I really want to do it with them but I just haven't had the energy so I watch them. I feel like the biggest bum in the world just watching them. So we went to Chilly's today and I was watching everyone that walked in and I just felt fat. I mean I felt like my stomach was growing by the second. 

So I called up Scott, my trainer, and asked if he could meet me at the stadium for a workout. Well, we scheduled one for tomorrow morning at 8AM and hopefully this will kick start my enthusiasm for working out again. But even though Scott didn't meet me tonight, I still went up to the stadium and ran my butt off!

I ran up the concourse hill 10 times, I did some sprints, I did some abs, I did lunges from the goal line to the 50 yardline, and also did some push-ups. Oh, and I threw up my dinner. My legs were shaking, my arms were shaking, I was surprised I was able to drive home...

I don't think I've worked out that hard since the last time I worked out with Scott, nearly two weeks ago. I'm not going to slip. I can't cascade to 220 pounds again. I'm no where near that or no where near 200 pounds either but the thought of weighing more than 180 scares me. 

I know the scale means nothing, because I have only 20% body fat, but I go on how I feel. I base everything, weight wise, off of the way I feel and lately I've felt nothing but fat. I don't know what it is but I've got to find that nitch to get me back on track!

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