Monday, January 3, 2011

Graduate School

So today not only did I spend it freezing in my house because my heater broke, but I spend part of the day looking into graduate school.

As many of you may know I am planning on going to graduate school to get my MBA in general business. Why, you ask?

Because I am currently working on trying to own Smoothie King.

I want to get my MBA because I believe it will give me more of a chance and more of an opportunity to show the owners that I am serious about wanting to own Smoothie King.

I am really serious about this. I have lots of ideas and with my BA in advertising and having a minor in Radio/ TV, I kow I can build this Smoothie King up and bring in a ton of business!

I have the dedication and drive to build Smoothie King up! I want to own it and I want to own it , or at least be financing it out to the current owners, by the time I am 25!

So I have to get my head in the school game and figure out what I need to do to apply and get my self into the school of business!

Although I do plan to take a semester off to just work and coach and then take the plunge into graduate school!

So here is to hard work and determination!

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