Monday, January 17, 2011

Just Maybe

As I sit here watching "Valentines Day" it makes me wonder what Valentines Day is going to be like for me this year...

Every other Valentines Day has been crap or lame or anything in between. It's nothing to get down and depressed about it's just something I have come to terms with in life. I could honestly care less about that stupid holiday. Not because of the bad memories than have been created but because so many people use this holiday and turn it into something commercial...

Anyways, enough rambling...

So you know that guy I said I liked, well I still like him (I think). Maybe I am just confused because of everything that has been happening recently with guys and how they have kind of just dropped me like a rock. But maybe he's just a little crush that I kind of have to decide if I want anything out of this or not.

I mean he has a really great smile and his eyes are some of the kindest eyes I have ever seen. But I don't know who he is. I mean I know who he is but I don't know WHO he is. I want to get to know him and know his likes and dislikes. I want to know what makes him smile and what not to say to make him mad. I want to know what makes him tick...

I know this is might sound stupid and maybe kind of dumb but I was too scared to give him my number via face to face, because one I have never done that and two because I got really nervous, so I sent him a message on Facebook.

I know, I know. I mean I know!

But what else was I suppose to do. I do like him but I think I just panicked and did the first thing I thought of. But hey if he doesn't respond, it's totally cool because I haven't really "invested" anything into him but I am really crossing my fingers that he does send me a text.

I mean really crossing my fingers, tightly.

But maybe people have to reach for the stars and just do something out of the ordinary for them.

Maybe, that is exactly what I did.

And maybe, just maybe, sometimes life happens and you can't do anything about it.

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