Friday, January 21, 2011

Stuck in a rut

Okay, well here's the deal, I do like this guy but I am very confused as to why he won't text? Is he nervous or scared? I have no clue. He will post on my Facebook wall and send me messages but for some odd reason he has yet to text me. I just don't know what to do...

Do I ask him? I feel like that's a little much and kind of rude. I mean I am really out of my element here. I am usually the one who will text first or make the first "move" but since I don't have his number and I can't make that first move.. I'm just stuck here waiting and it's hard.

I'm in a different world and I am out of my element so where do I go from here?

That is a great question because I have no clue...

Well I figure that if he likes me, and I think (well hope) he does, then when HE is ready he will text or come into Smoothie King and do his thing. But say that never happens, it's okay. It's really not a big deal there are other fish in the sea and he is just another guy to have played with the emotional strings of my heart.

I mean, it is kind of a big deal because I do like him, a lot, but as the same time everyone comes into your life for a reason and my problem is I try and figure out why certain people come into my life. And this kind of gets me into hot water with not just myself but with some people. But you know certain situations arise and you have to start to question things sometimes...

I do hope that he isn't just in my life for me to dream about or think about because that would be torture. I just have to sit and wait it out with the most patience as possible and hopefully everything will come out and about the way I want or hope.

But if you are reading this and have any suggestions as to what to do please let me know because I could really use some good advice...

1 comment:

  1. Next time you're chatting with him on facebook, stop in the middle of a conversation and say, "Oh gosh, I forgot I have to return a Red Box movie. Text me and we'll finish this." Or something along those lines...
