Saturday, January 15, 2011


So there is this guy and I sort of kind of like him.
It's really weird for me because after 3 months of absolutely no feelings for anyone here comes this guy out of no where with a smile like I've never seen before.
I'm like at a loss for words just thinking about asking him to hang out.
Maybe I'm crazy for liking someone again
But maybe, just maybe this guy is worth losing my words.
Or maybe he's worth taking a chance on.
Of course that is what I said last time and the time before that.
And we all know where those "relationships" got me...
I don't know what is going on.
I look in his eyes when I see him and nothing else exists.
I see his smile and it just makes me smile.
It's a smile worth 1000 words and I can't even find one...
I just hope that one day soon I can get up the guts to just see if he wants to hang.
Hopefully sooner rather than later, this way I don't miss out on another really great person...

Here's to luck!

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