Saturday, January 22, 2011


To the words that I say.

Listen to the words  unspoken.

Listen to the chemistry.

Listen to the passion.

Listen to your heart.

Everyone has that someone in their life. If they don't have them now, soon that person will show their face and come into your life. Maybe if people would take time to listen to the words unspoken then they might see that love and like and everything in between is there.

I'm not one to dish out "love advice" or anything of the sort. I believe every girl should be "chased" and sought after. Every girl, in my opinion, is worth "the chase".  So why some girls get chased and others have to do the chasing I have no idea.

I believe that if a girl asks a guy out to dinner or a movie or anywhere, she should pay. I think that it is only fair and it takes the pressure off of the guy. 

I believe that guys sometimes get the wrong idea about a pretty girl. Just because they might think she's "out of their league" they are too scared to make a move. You know no one is ever out of anyone's league. This stereotype is ridiculous and guys who think they are hot shit really have self confidence issues and usually end up with the girl that likes GLEE or plays saxophone.  

Why? Because she doesn't care about how hot he is and she doesn't elude him into this stupid mind set of he's out of her league. Because she makes him happy.

 I think that if a women wants to go out into the workforce to get her own job and bring in another income she should go out there and conquer the world. 

Personally, I want to own my own business this way I can stay home and raise my kids while still having a job. I want to be the one that raises my kids. I want to be the one who is there when my kids get sick or fall down or start to talk. I want to take my kids to school and pick them up. I don't want a nanny and I don't want a daycare to help me raise my kids. I want to be the one who my kids can run to when they have a bad dream or they just need a hug.

I do have a very different view of love or whatever you want to call it but the main part of love should be the words unspoken.

When you look into someones eyes you should feel something unspoken.

You should get lost in their voice.

You should feel lost when they aren't there.

You should want to touch them while touching their heart at the same time.

You should listen to what I say when I'm not saying anything.

 You should know that I like you.

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