Thursday, April 14, 2011

All Scratched Up

If you don't know by now...
You are about to know RIGHT NOW!!

Okay there is really nothing to know, other than things, in every aspect of my life, tend to be getting better!
School tends to be going all right.
Grades are good.
Mostly B's, no complaints.
I've been catching up in all areas of my classes.
It's been hard but I've been giving it my all and I think it is going to pay off!!

Well, work is work.
And it sometimes gets the best of my attention and the best of me.
I feel like it's constantly on my mind and I am constantly doing something for work.
I don't mind, really, but sometimes my attention needs to be focused on something or someone else, I find it hard to leave my work at work.
I need to start finding a way to just leave it all at the desk.
When I put my work first my relationship suffers.
I can tell he gets upset and a little disappointed when I put my work first.
But when I have people constantly texting me or calling me about something that's going on, or need help with someone, or have a question about something, it's hard to just put down my phone and focus my attention on anything else.
I really wish it wasn't this way.
I really wish I could just put down my phone and focus my attention on Rodney.
I've got to learn to balance work and my relationship.
Whatever type of relationship I may have or be in.
Work is important, yes, but Rodney is important too.
And today when I went in to see him, I was on my phone, sending an email to my boss and he was trying to hold a conversation with me and I hardly heard a word he said.
I got the main points but most of it went right over my head.
I didn't realize what I was doing until he got up and went back to work and asked me to leave.
I know that might sound rude but I was being more rude by not focusing or paying attention to him.

And I felt really bad the more I thought about it.
So I've got to turn my phone off when I am around him and not make him feel like he comes second to my work.
School, yes, until I graduate he will come second to school.
And when I graduate, yes, he will come second to my work.
But right now I feel like I am making him like 10th in my life.
I'm not saying he will ever be number one, because I can't give him every second of my attention.
That's WAY too much!
No one person can be be my number 1 priority.
My family is my No. 1 priority!
Okay, so that topic went on WAY longer than I thought it would lol

Now, let me tell you about what happened on Wednesday!
I went to play sand volleyball with Yvette and Lauren.
I had a TON of fun!!
We played for about 2 hours or so and I got better as the time went on!
I would like to say that we were practicing for Springfest and Mudbuds Volleyball!
OKAY, so it was about 3:45PM and someone was tossing me the ball because it was my turn to serve.
Well, what had happened was...
When this said person "tossed" the ball my way, they had tossed it a little bit too hard and it rolled right past me.
So I turned to go get the ball.
Okay, so I really turned and started to run to go get it because I was ready to get back in the game and start playing again!
Well, what happened next was not fun.
I turned and missed my step on the way and wouldn't you know it...
I skid across the concrete and got into a fight with the concrete.
Wouldn't you know it.
The concrete won!

Yeah, so obviously it is about as painful as it looks.
Okay, maybe not obviously.
But it hurts really bad.
I had to hold back the tears when it happened.
Seriously, it hurt like the dickens!
So right now I am wrapping it up and sometimes letting it breathe.
It started oozing today so I decided I needed to let it breathe.
But man does it hurt!
Like, I mean it HURTS!!

Well, tomorrow I am off to BIG D!
Sharon is having a bridal shower and it's the bridesmaids and their moms.
I'm pretty excited.
I get to take a break from work, but I have to do work before I leave to go to Dallas.
Erika is watching Dakota and I am going to see if maybe she can stop by and feed Buddy.
I feel bad leaving him/
Maybe Jacob could watch him.
I don't know.
I'm kind of stuck because I feel really bad for ditching him.
But I honestly thought Abby was going to be here this weekend.
I don't blame her for wanting to go see her family.
And I'm not mad or anything, I just feel like I am ditching Buddy with no one here to love on him and take care of him.
I mean I understand that someone can come feed him, but I just feel bad that he has to hang out in the back yard all by himself.
He's never slept in the backyard and I don't know how it's going to go.
I kind of don't want to go to Dallas anymore, now that I feel bad.
I don't know. I'll figure something out.
Maybe Jacob can come let him in at night and he can sleep on my bed and then he can come by in the morning and let him out in the mornings and he can stay outside during the day, just as long as he gets fed and comes in at night.
I can figure this out.

Catching up on GLEE so I will talk to you later ;)

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