Saturday, April 9, 2011

Try to make me go to Rehab

But I said: NO! NO! NO!

I have come to the conclusion that if my professor wants to fail me, or whatever, LET 'EM!
I have my friends and classmates to back me up!
And if I have to I will just walk in August and actually graduate December.
I know it sucks having to come back for one class, and I'm trying my best to not have to come back for just one class, but with everything going the way it is I'll just take another semester.
That's where I stand with that issue.
I'll just take it one day at a time for now and keep you all updated about what happens.

Let's see what else:
Work is going a lot better now days.
Still learning the new POS but I'll get the hang of it one day.
Hopefully one day before I own it, lol.

Tennis is going really well!
I have some mad skills when I actually try ;)
I have learned to like it.
At first I was a bit sketchy about it but after I started actually going, it all changed and I am super glad that it did because I can't imagine skipping this class anymore!
I look forward to going out onto the courts and playing :)

Okay, so I have recently been hooked on this song by Ne-Yo called "One in a Million".
I just love the lyrics.
It's like he's going to stand up and fight for her.
Do whatever it takes.
To get this girl.
That's one in a million to him.

What can I say, I'm a hopeless romantic.
Here are some prime examples:
I want someone to show up at my door step to say I'm sorry if we got into a fight.
I want someone hold my hand when I need comfort.
I want someone to walk next to me and grab my waist and pull me closer.
I want someone to take me for a walk and kiss me in the middle of the park.
I want someone to hug me when I need it most.
*I want someone to sing to me, even though they might be off key.
*I want someone to download all the songs of the band we saw together and learn the lyrics.
*I want someone to want to still be with me and look at me the same way they did when we first started talking even though we might have had a rough patch or two... or maybe three.
I want someone to email my best friend and surprise me at my soccer game.
I want someone to kiss me in the car at a red light.
I want someone to hold my hand out in public.
I want someone to say, "yeah, that's my girl"
I want someone know me inside and out and love me no matter how stressed or hyper I can get.

There's a lot more to this list but you get the picture.
I grew up on DISNEY princess movies, what do you expect.
I love a love story :)

Anyways... enough of that subject. lol
I totally have that song playing right now!!!
And I am totally jamming out to it ;)

I found some really cool quotes and I thought I would share them:


Music + Pixels!

The Best Love, Wall Words and Decals by Trading Phrases

{{;;; Buba Inspiration ;;; }}
cute friendship quote ♥ bittersweet11

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