Sunday, April 10, 2011


In a web of confusion and a bit of frustration...

I've practically given up on my class,
And it's actually been a lot less stressful!
I feel as if there is nothing stopping me or in my way anymore.
Before the weight of the world was on my shoulders,
But now I could seriously care less!
I mean, I'm not giving up completely, no way.
But there comes a time when you have to make a decision and if he isn't going to let me redo my project, fine, so be it.
I'll just kick ass the next time I have to take this class.
You know, this is the first time I've ever had to retake a class.
And, surprisingly I am totally okay with that.
Given I might have to pay for it out of pocket, and that might get expensive but I think it's going to be better for me to just have this stupid class to focus on rather than trying to focus on 4 classes, plus coaching, plus soccer, plus bowling, plus managing a social life and doing things through the church.

Okay something else that is on my mind.
Yep, I said it!
I don't know where this is going.
Honestly, I 'm at the point where I could just care less and just go on about my day.
Yes, I still would like to continue where-ever this might be going.
But I honestly feel just like a friend.
Kisses on the cheek.
No hugs.
Conversations are just kind of mediocre.
I mean it's no big deal, but at the same time I want him to come after me.
I want him to make me see that he still wants me or is still interested in me.
Right now, I feel as if all he wants to be is friends.
And for right now, that's totally fine.
But he has certain statuses that just feel like a slap in the face.
You know what.
I don't care.
Let him post whatever status he wants.
Let him flirt with whoever he wants.
Let him do whatever he wants.
It's up to him as to whether or not he wants this to go anywhere.
I can only control my destiny and no one else's.
Yeah, I do take some of those statuses personally, but I'm beginning to learn, that with this guy you just have to take things minute by minute and day by day.
So here's to you, good sir.
Take a chance.
Believe in something bigger than yourself!
Risk it all on me!
I am not saying it's going to be easy, but all I know is that it's going to be worth it.

Okay so there's that soap box.
This week I get to have a date with my boo!
I am super excited!
I haven't hung out with her in so long that I've almost forgotten what she looks like!!
Just kidding!
I could never forget a best friend or face like hers!!
But I am very excited and antsy about Wednesday!!

So here is to the week ahead!
Gotta keep my head held high and keep that smile shinning big and bright!!

Until next time-

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