Thursday, April 28, 2011

Your Insecurity

Why be afraid of what other people have to say?
It's not their life.
You are the only one that has control of who you become.
So you don't like what people are saying.
Freaking man-up and deal with it.
If there is going to be any hope for "us" or whatever.
Certain things are going to be said and you have to brush it off and not let it get to you.
You also cannot be insecure about who you are.
To me, you are everything.
I look at you and every fear, every doubt, floats away when I see your smile.
I can't help but start at you.
Your eyes are breath taking, and the freckles that are placed every so gracefully on your cheeks are part of what intrigues me more.
To me looks are not important but there is something so captivating about who you are and your looks.
You pull me in like a magnet every time I see you.
Take it from me when I tell you are are amazing, just the way you are.
I don't want to change anything about you.
But you have to realize all this.
You have to realize that to me you are everything I could have ever imagined.
And you know what,  I am happy with where we are.
Where ever that is, I am perfectly happy being where we are because I am there with you.
Trust me when I say, you never need to change.
I had the best weekend that Easter weekend.
I finally got to spend time with you, just the two of us, and it didn't matter what we were doing because I got to be with you and to me that's all that mattered.
Who cares if all we watched was basketball!
If you happen to read this, know that I am venting because this has been bottled up for some time and I had to let it out before I took it out on someone, most likely you.
So there it is...
Man that felt good!

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