Thursday, April 7, 2011

Mac n' Cheese

Ever have those days where you just feel like you are the 3rd wheel?
Well, recently that's kind of been the case.
Maybe it's because I am constantly running around and never home, but I feel like a little left out and what-not.
It's not a big deal or anything, just some days, like today, when everything has gone wrong, feeling like a 3rd wheel isn't really how I want to feel.
So I sit in my corner or in my room and do my own thing.
I usually do my own thing anyway but there's inside jokes and secretive looks that I am clueless about.
Anyways, I guess it's something stupid but whatever.

So this week has been super hectic and I am like really questioning if I am going to pass my TV production class. 
I am praying to GOD that I pass this class.
I really think my chances are really slim because  I am having problems remember the homework and when it's due.
My production totally BOMBED today!
And I mean like crashed and burned like you wouldn't believe.
Anything that could possibly go wrong definitely went wrong.
My professor told me he doesn't even know if I'll be able to make this production up.
I'm sorry but this is HALF of my ENTIRE grade!
It's NOT my fault that the damn computer didn't have enough disk space, or the freaking prompters weren't working!
I had my sh!t ready to go and was ready to rock and roll.
I am seriously doubting that I'll even get a 50 in this class.
So here's to another semester that seems to be coming my way.
Hey more one more season of FREE football games!
Or basketball games!
Hey there's always a plus side!

Okay so it's just been really hectic and what-not and I think I just put too much on my plate this semester and should have said "no" to certain things.
But that's the thing, I would be so lost without having all this stuff to do.
I have to keep myself busy and active and constantly moving or I get bored and start to eat or think or whatever.
When the summer comes I am sure I am going to have to get a second job because I won't have soccer, school, or bowling.
With all that free time I've got to either work 40 hours a week at Smoothie King or find a second job.
I would take 40 hours a week...
That's about $660 every two weeks, not including taxes taken out.
So that's about $1320 a month.
I could do that.
I could definitely do that!
So maybe that's what I'll do.
Work my a$$ off and occupy my time Smoothie King.
Although, I would like something else to do other than Smoothie King.
But maybe if I dedicate all of my time to Smoothie King they might see how hard I work :)
Well I'll think about what I want to do.
Gotta see who's going to be staying and who plans on leaving for the summer.
I have a sh!t ton of stuff to do tomorrow, including making some really baddass coupons for the SFA Easter Egg hunt!!
Gotta love free advertising!

Well, as far as I'm concerned that's all I have.
I mean I can tell you about boy but I've really got nothing to tell.
We've kind of started over, which is good, and I think that's what we really needed.
I think I tried to rush into something because I just wanted something to happen so bad.
But now that school and work has literally taken over my life it's hard to want to find time for any type of relationship.
He still means a lot to me and I still have those same butterflies I got when I first met him, but it's just hard to show affection when I'm constantly thinking about work or what homework needs to be done.
So maybe taking it slow and starting fresh is what we needed.
Time will tell.
I mean he's still here fighting for me so hopefully with a little bit more time something will come about.
But I'm not in any rush :)

Okay, now that's all I have.
Now I am about to make my To-Do list for tomorrow!

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