Sunday, April 3, 2011

Busy Weekend

Okay so busy weekend!

First on Friday:
I had tennis class and I have discovered that I actually like going!
I had a skills test and it went okay, but the girl I was matched with didn't seem to care.
It might sound stupid but I had to lower my skills level and it was not very pretty.
I am a competitive person by nature but when I am competing against someone that is not up to my skill level I feel the need to not embarrass them and come down to their level.
I know that might seem cocky and what-not but this was a test and I didn't want this girl to fail.
So I tried to help her out and ended up making myself look like a fool.
I know the professor has seen me play and knows my skills but at the same time it's like annoying because she wasn't grading on what she knows you CAN do but she was grading based on what she saw.
Oh, well.
Everything will be okay and I'm not worried about it.
However, I think I am going to continue to play every once in a while after my class is over.
Maybe more than every once in a while but you know what I mean.

I also, on Friday, had to film this interview for my project.
It was actually really cool.
I felt like a real director/ producer of a show.
I know it was just in the Student Center, but I mean, I set up the stage, I set up the camera and the mic.
It was really cool.
I got to tell the talent and the host what to do and I got to set up the camera angles and shots.
I really had a lot of fun.
And it actually took some stress off of my chest being able to get that out of the way.
But tomorrow I will be disappearing for about three or four days trying to get this project done.
I am really hoping it's not as hard as I am thinking it may be.
But I am going to pull out all the stops until I get this finished!!
I will stop at nothing to pass this class!

Okay so after that I went up to Smoothie King to see if our new cashier system was up and working.
At one point during the day, it was working.
But sometime during the day it decided to stop working so I didn't get to play with it.
I am hoping that one day SOON it's going to be up and running!
Because it looks like a really cool system!
And it's suppose to make my job a little bit easier, but we shall see...

Soccer practice did not go well at all.
The kiddos were seriously all over the place!
I mean from pushing each other to calling each other names, it was a disaster!
So halfway through it I just kind of gave up and started messing around and kicking the ball with them.
It was interesting.
I hadn't just kicked the soccer ball around in a while.
I mean I got to pass to the kiddos, I got to play keep-away and it was really fun.
I did try to do some drills with the kiddos but they were just not having it!
Literally the CrazyLegs were spacing out and didn't seem to want to practice but to just be out there kicking the ball around with each other.
Which is fine, but sometimes I just wish they would listen more and learn to focus a little bit more.

Started out with a bridal shower for miss Sharon Tiner.
It went really well!
We play a couple of games and opened some presents.
Overall it was very successful.
One of the games we played involved toilet paper and designing a wedding dress out of 3 rolls of TP.
Yvette and I were on two different teams and on two completely opposite sides of the house.
We got 15 minutes to create our masterpiece.
And you can guess what happens next...
Yes, Yvette and I had designed the SAME DRESS!
The only real difference was that my dress had a train.
But I will let you be the judge:

Next was my soccer game.
It was a disaster too.
The ref that was my ref for the game was horrid!
I hate when this person refs my games.
He kicked me off the field!!
In the 3 seasons I have been coaching I have always been allowed on the field.
It is never the same between the refs.
It is so annoying and aggravating!
Not only does it confuse the kids but it confuses us coached.
How are we suppose to know what to practice if the refs keep changing the rules?!
Maybe at the next meeting I will say something because this is getting down right ridiculous...

The rest of the day I didn't really do much.
Washed my car, FINALLY, and took a nap.
Oh, Yvette and I did go out and shoot some photos with my camera:

And today... I worked.
All day.
From about 11:30pm until about 8:45pm
So this past week I worked about 32 hours.
Yeah, I should get paid more.
I am working on my resume so hopefully I can either find another job or have two jobs.
Obviously I would not try to have two jobs right now.
No one would ever see me.
I am thinking more for the summer.
I won't have classes until the end of July so I will have so much time on my hands and with me used to be busy all the time or always running around I can't go from 100 things to do in one day down to like 5 things to do in one day.
I think I might literally lose my mind if I don't have another job!

Okay one last topic.
Yes, its Rodney
Things are going really well.
I am learning to trust him more and more.
I now am finding it easier to just live in the moment and not take it too personally when he we don't hang out.
I would say, however, that we have kicked it back a few notches.
And you know what that's okay.
As long as I still know how he likes me, I am totally okay with kicking it back :)
Sometimes I wonder why he chose me or still is fighting for me, but then I have to tell myself that he thinks I'm worth it, so I stop asking myself that question.
I would, however, like it if he put up more of an effort.
I don't mind going over and saying hi, but sometimes I feel as if that's where our relationship begins and ends.
I wish he would ask me on a date or to hang out or something.
Again, I am okay with kicking it back a few notches but going all the way back to square one I am NOT okay with!
I mean I haven't kissed him in over a month and you know what...
It's killing me!
Every time I see him that's one of the first things that pop into my head.
Wondering if I am going to get that kiss.
But time and time again I am left with no kiss, just hugs.
Great hugs, but no kiss.
I am sure when the time is right the sparks will fly again :)
I just have to keep that smile on my face and know that everything will work out in the end!
Gotta have faith.
He's worth the wait so I will wait!

Didn't really think I had this much to talk about but apparently I had a lot to say
Well I am off to bed.
Test at 9, then to go talk to my professor about my notebook (that was due about a week ago)!
I'll see you in about 4 days!!


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