Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Couch to 5K

Here's the deal:

-Sharon's wedding is in  25 days which means I have 25 days to whip my butt into shape! If you are thinking that I want or am trying to "outshine" the bride... that's not it at all. I just want to look good in my dress that I paid $101 for. Sharon is going to make a beautiful bride and no one should outshine her in any way shape or form, but that doesn't mean I have to look frumpy up there next to her. So here is my "Couch to 5K" plan.

Now the 5K does happen to fall on June 11, which happens to be the same day as Sharon's wedding. But her wedding is at 2pm and since I can already run 3 miles I know that it will probably take me about 30 minutes, hopefully less than that because that's like 10 minutes a mile and I would really like to improve my time and get it down to 8 or 9 minutes a mile. But it's not like I would leave right after I got done, I would wait around until mostly, if not everyone, was finished and then leave to go get ready for the wedding.

I want to do something that to me marks a challenge. I want to do something that I've never done before and I can loudly exclaim that I did it! I did a 5K!!

I know to some people a 5K isn't that big of a deal but to someone who had never tried running 3 miles up until May 1, a 5K is a challenge.

I don't ask for much, but I do ask for support. So when you see those little Nike Run icons pop up in your news feed, cheer me on and let me know your routing for me!

Here's to the next 25 days!!!

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