Monday, May 16, 2011


Hey everyone, I know it's been a while but here are the things that have been going on.
I think the last time I blogged I was trying to figure out if I wanted to stay here in Nac or apply for a "real job". Well, I went to one of my professor's kids birthday parties yesterday afternoon and we got to talking. She said, "I only regret two things in my college career: not taking the photography tour of Italy and doing the advanced internship with Disney."

I have been toying with the thought of going back pretty much since I left. It was so hard for me to leave Florida. I remember there was an option to give up your seat on the plane in order to take a later flight and the airline would give you roundtrip tickets to a destination of your choice. I sat there in the airport lobby or waiting room and seriously thought about giving up my ticket. But I knew my family was waiting for me back in Texas so I got on that plane with my heart still in Florida.

Back then I had no ties here in Nacogdoches. I wasn't the manager of Smoothie King, heck I wasn't even working for Smoothie King yet, I wasn't coaching youth soccer, I wasn't on a bowling league, I only had one friend that I still talk to today (Robin Laclede), I didn't have a guy worth giving my heart to, and I didn't have much here at all in Nacogdoches.

But now, I have all those things. I've made a "name" for myself here and I think packing up and leaving would be harder than ever now. Back then, it was hard but it wasn't as hard as it will be if I apply and get the internship.

I made a promise to myself that before I returned to Disney I would get my degree. Well, I have three more months until I fulfill my promise to myself. I think about going back almost every day. Not a week goes by that I haven't thought about what I am going to do once I cross that stage.

I don't want to regret anything but I think I would regret at least not applying. Even if I don't get it, I at least applied and gave it a try. Right now I've got to at least give it a try and see what happens.

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