Friday, May 27, 2011

Dreams CAN come true!

"Keep smiling, because life is a beautiful thing and there's so much to smile about."
— Marilyn Monroe

Okay, so it's been a wee bit of time since my last blog but as always a LOT has happened! Let's catch you, and myself up, shall we:

Drove to Dallas and was there for about 5 days. I actually had a lot of fun! I will take a cue from my dear roommate and show you all the fun I had in pictures...

Mom and I had lunch with my dear, dear friend Sarah and her wonderful son Christian!

Wednesday day night we went to Mackinzie's Varsity Cheer thing and she ROCKED!

AND THURSDAY!!! The absolute BEST DAY of my freaking life! Yvette text me and told me about this shingdig going on with TOMS on Thursday night where you buy a pair of TOMS and there will be a local artist there and they will customize a pair of TOMS just for you. So of course I am going to get Dallas Cowboys customized TOMS! I mean, come on now guys! Okay, well here is the kicker... My FAVORITE player, Miles Austin, was going to be there! I mean seriously, I was NOT going to miss this opportunity! I already missed a chance to meet Brett Favre in 2008 and Miles Austin is my second favorite player in the NFL. Nothing was going to stop me, okay there was a short brief time where I thought about going back to Nac early to settle something with someone BUT I thought and thought about it, and talked to my mom and Yvette, and decided that this was a ONCE IN A LIFETIME chance and I was NOT going to pass this up. I mean, seriously, who would even THINK about passing up an opportunity to meet MILES AUSTIN?! I have no idea, obviously I did for a brief moment in time but later realized how incredibly stupid that would be. 

Okay, okay so this even doesn't start until 4PM. Well, I mean being a dedicated fan I got there at around 3:15PM. I met some really cool girls there! Mercedes and Samantha! Samantha was there at about the same time I was and she was really cool. Well, the whole process was you sign in and then the artists go by the list. So a few people were ahead of me but while the artists were doodling the girls and I were counting down the minutes until Miles got there. Well, they gave us like 10 ETA's. At first it was 4PM, then it was 5PM, then it was 7PM and he FINALLY showed up at 7:41PM (I checked my watch that's how I know). 

I mean, I cannot believe I almost missed this opportunity! I saw him come in and I literally forgot how to breathe. I have been a HUGE fan of his ever since I saw his first game in 2009. Not only does he have great eyes and a gorgeous smile, he has the heart and personality to make him one of the greatest football players and men you will ever meet. He is so humble and unbelievably sweet! I wanted to melt, I mean seriously! So here is my reaction as to when I realized that he ACTUALLY made it!  

There are no words for all the feelings and emotions that ran through me. I have long dreamed about meeting Miles and it was absolutely everything I could have ever imagined. He was truly great and I am still in awe over my experience from 24 hours ago. I just literally have no words. I am speechless. Meeting Miles was, as cheesy as it might sound, a dream come true.

It's always something :)
And this time... it's AWESOME!!

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