Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Making up for lost time

So far being home has been fun.
I've caught up with some very important people!

I caught up and visited the girls I used to babysit and MAN have they grown! I first met them when the littlest one, LEEANN, was 3 years-old. She is now nine! I mean talk about time flying!! Oh and I've been at SFA for 5 years so I've missed out on like half of her life, plus I hadn't seen her or her older sister, MICHAL, in like 2 years. Michal is now a JV Cheerleader at her middle school! Very cool! And LeeAnn is going into the 4th grade and she is just hilarious! She is just as witty as can be and she is only nine! Rachel, their mom, was looking good too! She has been running everyday, minimum 3 miles, and wants to run a WHOLE MARATHON by the time she is 45. She's only 42 and seriously looks like she is not a day over 30! I honestly was shocked when she said she only had 2.5 years to train for the marathon. It was nice to catch up with them and I hope I don't lose touch with them cause they are one awesome family and it would be a shame not to be able to stay involved with what's going on with Rachel, Steve and the girls!

Today, I went out to lunch with Kelsey. Man, it's been a long time since I've seen her. It was amazing to finally catch up with her and see how she's doing and see what's she's doing. I also learned so much about people from high school! It's crazy how people change. I've learned that like half of her graduating class has either has babies or is about to have a baby. Half of my graduating class, I feel, is either engaged or already married. Which to me is crazy, because I am NO WHERE near ready for that type of commitment. But hey, at least Kelsey and I are on the same page about how crazy these people are! She is doing very well! She looks good, is still as funny as ever, and I have really missed her! I am super excited about her coming down to see me this summer! I'll be able to give her a little taste of my life and everything I do!

Tomorrow, I get to see Sarah and hopefully baby Christian! I am super excited to see them! I'll let you know how all that goes later!

Right now I am just relaxing typing up this blog while my dad plays catch/ fetch with Dakota, and my mom watches "Ghost Whisperer". I'm still thinking back on the events that took place Friday night and can't help but think this might be the end.

I truly hope not. Maybe I just need to leave well enough alone and stop trying to fix things. But for me it's hard to just let something go, especially if it tugs on my heart strings. I've just got so much happening in my mind and heart it's hard to just let it go. Maybe it's for the best though. I don't know....

I just need answers!

I am seriously going nuts trying to figure out how to fix things. Maybe it's not broken. Maybe I am trying to fix something that doesn't need fixing. I don't know because I am not getting any answers... from any where or anyone!

Okay, I can't sit here and rant about what's going on...

So that's what has been happening so far and I am REALLY looking forward to Thursday!!! Miles Austin and TOMS are going to be UNITED!!! 

Two of my favorite things on Earth are working together and I am sooooo excited! Miles Austin will be signing shoes/ autographs and I will not and CAN. NOT miss this opportunity! So I will be there, first in line if I have to be, dressed up and cute!


It's always something!

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