Monday, May 2, 2011

Weekend Past

Lots of things have happened recently :)
And I don't think any of them are bad!

Thursday, I went to Lufkin to Envy Salon and got my hair dyed and highlighted.
I absolutely love my hair!
I was so sick of being blond.
I know I usually only go darker if I am depressed or something like that, but this time it's completely different!
I was looking at pictures and was noticing that the color of my hair was washing me out and I looked bald in some of my pictures because of how light my hair was.
So I wanted to dye it back to my "original" color, which is a dark blonde-ish color.
Well, I went to the store and bought a box of "ash blond" hair dye.
It turns out it was a little bit darker than "ash blond" and more of a brunette color.
Which is okay, but wasn't what I was looking for but hey, I can rock it!
About 5 days later it started to fade and become a weird brown color.
So I called up Frances, my hair-dresser, and told her I needed her help!!
It took 3.5 hours to fix my hair.
I think that's the longest it has ever taken to fix my hair lol
But it was so worth it!!
I love the color, I love how it looks and I love that it's not grungy anymore!
If I had a picture I would post it but all I have are pictures from Springfest and my hair is pulled back so it's kind of hard to tell.

Speaking of Springfest...
Mud volleyball was messy and gross but worth getting dirty!
Mud was all over me and it was squishy and pleck!
But I had one of the best times playing in the mud!
We went 3-1 in our games and were 3 games away from winning the WHOLE THING!
But sadly we lost one of our last games.
It was a lot of fun and I am so glad I did it!
Here are a few pictures from Springfest:
This is us, "Your Worst Nightmare", before the games!

And this is us after the FIRST game...

Victory is ours!!!

Also on Saturday was Tate's 4th birthday party.
It was so good to see my family again!
I love going out there and seeing them and just having a good 'ol time!
They are the kindest people I have ever met!
Such big hearts with so much love for life and people!
There was family, friends and presents.
Tate is such a cutie!
He saw me walking up and got really excited and said, "MISS JORDAN IS HERE"
That made me smile from ear-to-ear!
And Cole saw me and ran up and gave me a BIG hug and kiss!
I just LOVE them!!
Sad I don't get to see them more often :-/
But hopefully that will change!

Sunday, Sunday, Sunday.
Nothing big happened on Sunday.
Well, okay not a whole lot happened on Sunday.
I got up early and mowed the front and the back yard, have not mowed the side plot yet, I got sick of getting hit with rocks and everything else so I stopped.
Went back inside and then Yvette and I went to LOWE'S and got some weather stripping for our doors so no more bugs will get in!
It was fun roaming around LOWE'S and looking at things.
So got our weather stripping and came home and tried it out.
It works but it's hard to open and close our doors now, but I guess if the bugs are not coming in anymore then that's fine by me.
Although, I don't really mind the bugs, don't take that like I love to just sit around and watch the bugs come in.
No that's not what I meant.
I meant it like bugs don't really bother me.
I can kill them with the sole of my shoe.
I'm a brave kid and they don't scare me!
After the weather stripping I took a nap before I had to head to work.
Work was work, nothing really exciting there. 
It wasn't too busy and it wasn't too slow so no complaints!
Cleaned the prep-table like it's never been cleaned before!
After work I went running.
Get this...
I ran for 35 minutes STRAIGHT!
I ran 3 MILES!!!
I am so proud and impressed with myself that I was able to do that.
I have never run that far ever!
It is such a feeling of accomplishment that I cannot even begin to describe what it felt like!
Now I know that I can do a 5K in about 40 minutes!!
I told everyone what I did!
Got a lot of good responses but the one that meant the most was this one...

  It put a smile on my face :)
It may not seem like much but I can tell he is proud and impressed.
Do i feel like I need to impress him?
But it makes me feel good to know that he was impressed and was encouraging.

School ends in two weeks and I am SUPER EXCITED!!
Maybe now I can actually acquire some hours!
Well now, it's off to tennis.
Then running, then aerobics, then KTRE in Lufkin, and then most likely off to work since I have to step up when no one else can.
Sometimes being manager is hard, but I hope it's all worth it in the end.

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