Wednesday, October 5, 2011

What is Love

What does love mean to you?

To me.. 
Love is the smile on his face any time I walk in to a room.
It's the feeling I get when I see him smile.
It's the pain I feel when he's not near.
It's the fight he puts up when I think about walking away.
It's the passion in his kisses.
It's the talks about our future together.
It's the fear of losing each other.
It's more than those three words he tells me.

It's sitting at a baseball game and getting a picture together.
It's the chance to spend the weekend together.
It's visiting him at work for 10 minutes, knowing I might not get to see him the next day.
It's listening to his laugh and having it put a smile on my face.
It's watching him do something he loves.
It's getting exited about going to an NFL game together!
It's when he holds my hand and tells me he's missed me.
It's fighting to the point of tears and then the sorrys' that come after.
It's getting jealous of his ex-girlfriend and having him tell me I have nothing to worry about.
It's not getting to hug him and then holding him like I'm never going to see him again.
It's laughing at something funny on TV.
It's going to see Lion King 3D and admiring how he looks in 3D glasses.
It's falling asleep in his arms on the couch and having him move a piece of hair out of my face.
It's kissing my forehead when I'm upset.

It's making fun of each other.
It's a two hour car ride.
It's getting stressed out over something small.
It's testing the waters to see how far we can push each other.
It's giving him every chance to break my heart and trusting him not to.
It's knowing this is going to last forever and not giving up on each other, 
even when times get hard.


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