Saturday, November 19, 2011

Breaking Dawn

So I went and saw the Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn and I kept have one reoccurring thought... You. The wedding, the bliss, the happiness, the memories, the kiss at the alter. It all reminded me of why I am still here, waiting for us to happen again. I don't want to spend my life with anyone else but you. I want that moment at the alter with you. When those doors open and I look up to see my future... I want to see you. My heart found the rhythm of the best by finding you. I never knew what love was until you, and only you, gave it the only meaning I'll ever need. Please don't give up. The thought of you loving someone else and marrying someone else is beyond hard to even think about. I keep waiting for the day you send me a Facebook message or call me or even text me to tell me to meet you somewhere. I'm still 100% in this and I hope you are too...

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