Monday, November 7, 2011

Sometimes Life Happens... and you just have to accept it

It's taken about three weeks but I think I've finally gotten to the point emotionally where I'm okay with everything that's going on. I've come to the conclusion that I have to view this break as a "break-up" because if I don't in my head I still tell myself I'm with him. After talking through everything, and when I say everything, I mean everything! I've just kind of come to the realization, and actually realized it where it clicked, that time is the reoccurring element and that is what we both need. I have to be able to make my own way in this life. I still love him and he knows that. He still loves me, and I know that. So why the heck was I so concerned about him leaving me and everything being a lie? I have no idea...

It's taken a while but I'm glad I'm finally there. I'm glad I can choose to look the other way, even though my heart might still ache, I'm glad I'm strong enough to be able to. So if that means waiting until next year or next summer, I think I'll be okay. I'll be ready when he's ready and if that means waiting until the fall of 2012 then so be it. But for right now I've got to focus on me and I am so ready for it!

Ready to run, for no reason other than to see the road less traveled. No reason other than for me!

I don't really much else to say. I'm looking at life in a new light and I'm glad to finally be at this point where I have nothing but true hope to last me a lifetime.

Here's to the upcoming days and everything that comes with them :)

Sometimes Life Happens... and you just have to accept it.


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