Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Bieber Fever


Favorite show!
Hands down.
Without and doubt.

I love the renditions they do.
And recently, as of 2.15.11, they did a Justin Bieber episode.
For those who live under a rock, Justin Bieber is a 16 year-old kid who has literally taken this world by storm and is worth more than $65.5 million.
His mentor is Usher and Justin Timberlake was one of the first ones to sign him to his label.
Now moms, kids and babies are swooning over this 16 year-old kid.

He now has this movie out about his life.
He is 16 years-old and they made a move about his life.
Talk about inspiration!
I mean this kid has a passion for music that most people WISH they had.
He loves making music, writing music and performing.
He is one of the most humble teenagers, who has fame and the celebrity status, I have ever heard of.

Miley Cyrus needs to take several pages out of this kids books.
Or at least needs to go and watch the movie.
We could all use a dose of Bieber Fever.
Because if you have that much passion for one thing you can certainly go further in this world than anyone ever thought.
He is a lot better of a role model for the kids of this generation than Miley, or Lindsay, or Rhianna, or Lady Gaga.
He prays before going on stage, he puts his mom and family first, he still shows appreciation for the people that helped him and shows them the utmost respect.

Anyways, GLEE did a Justin Bieber episode and the songs they did were really good.
I have already downloaded them and oh, am listening to them as I write this.
But I do think that Justin, no matter how small or how young, has a lot to show the world and can teach the kids of tomorrow a really good lesson about life.
I don't have Bieber fever, I do like his songs but I am not one to swoon over a celebrity.
I mean sure he's cute, but cute like a 12 year-old.
But I am not going to sell my unborn child for a ticket to his concert.
I am just another opinion about this kid and how he has already affected the world.

He made a difference.
So can you.
Find your passion.
Listen to your heart.
And make a change.

Never Say Never :) 

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