Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Today I am mixing it up!
Today I am just going to tell you all what happened in my day.
Not that it was too exciting but hey you never know...

So today is obviously the 1st of the month, so what does that mean for me?
End of month reports at work.
I run the Z-88 first then I start the X tapes.
This just tells me what the total sales were for the month of January and how many of each smoothie and retail item we sold.
Good news!
Sales were UP this month!
Way to go ME!
And this was all done before 7AM!!

I go back to my house and change for my 8AM class.
It was COLD today but from my class at 8AM to my next class at 11AM the temperature literally dropped about 20 degrees!
But I had to walk to my class at 11AM because of course there was no parking in the parking lot near my building.
I don't mind walking it's nice, when it's not freezing cold outside.
The wind kept hitting my face and I swear I have wind burn.
But none-the-less it was a nice walk and I don't mind walking 200 yards :)

Once my class is over of course I go back to Smoothie King and finish up some unfinished business.
Being a manager is hard work!
But I do not mind doing the grunt work because it will all be worth it in the end!
I love my job and I cannot imagine doing anything else with my life than owning Smoothie King and staying here in Nacogdoches.

I mean of course I would still coach, that's obvious!
I would never leave coaching because it thrills my heart waching the kids get a goal and they come running to me to give me a hug or a high five, as if I was there to help them do it.
The look in their eyes once they score and once we win is undescribable!
I love coaching and would never want to give it up!

Anyways, enough rambling...

So I went to Wal-Mart today after coming home from work and I bought myself a high-ticket item!
I bought myself... a laptop!
Yes, I had to bite the bullet and get one for myself.
I felt bad using Abby's or Yvette's all the time.
I mean it is something I have needed for a LONG time and I just could not wait for another week or two because school is starting to pick up and projects are starting to be due so it was a wise decision to buy it.
It was shocking the end price of everything but...
It's worth it!

That was basically my day.
Nothing TOO exciting but nothing TOO dull!

Hope you had a great day and may all your days get better :)

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