Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Crazy Day

Valentine's Day 2011

Today, like most Valentine's Days was not good.
I have always hated this day because I think it is a commercialized "holiday" that people spend WAY too much money on and it's just plain and simply put:
I hate the fact that people use this "holiday" as something special.
It's another day in the year.
Nothing is really ever that special about Valentine's Day.
I am not a fan of how people see this "holiday" as an excuse to finally say "i love you"
If someone told me they loved me on V-Day, first of all I would be ubber pissed!
It's a cliche and it's stupid.
Anyways, now that we understand that I dread this day here is what happened and why today was nothing but stressful.

I get several text messages from an employee saying that she is scared to be driving so much, to and from work, that she doesn't think she can work at Smoothie
King anymore.
So I this conversation lasts about 10 minutes because it's 3:30 in the morning and I am tired and sleepy but she just kept repeating herself and repeating herself.
Honestly, this girl was one excuse after another and if i were to get one more excuse out of her I would have just fired her.
She wasn't worth the money Smoothie King paid her.
Constant bitching and had a huge ego about herself.
It was a train wreck waiting to happen.
Oh, and that wreck happened this morning at about 3:32.
I asked her if she could finish up her shifts this week because I didn't have anyone who could cover and I had not hired any one yet.
She said that was fine she could finish up this week.
Relieved, I went to bed.
So at about 9:23AM I get another text from her saying that she cannot finish up this week and that she was sorry.

BS! She is not freaking sorry.
She couldn't give a D*** about anything.
She doesn't know the stress this caused me.
I felt like I was going to have a panic attack.
It was not fun and I just wanted to cry all day today.
I skipped aerobics because I just couldn't handle it today.
I went back home and just crashed.
My self esteem went into the gutter.
I felt like I had failed as a manager.
I still kind of do feel like I failed because I let my staff down by hiring this person who ended up not being worth the gum on the bottom of my shoe.
I broke.
I went into work later today and it was actually weird because it was like a place where I felt everything was okay.
Even though this was the place that was giving me panic attacks and partly the reason for all my stress, I still found it pleasurable to be there.

Well as much as I could
I was still a little beaten up about everything.
But then that's when my day started to change.
Boy came in to check and make sure everything was okay.
He read my status and wanted to check and see if he had done something.
When he walked through that door everything, I mean literally every stressful thing, every worry, just vanished.
I could not even remember the smoothie PLU to ring up the lady that was waiting to pay.
So he stopped in to make sure that he didn't do anything and that I was okay.
It was really sweet and it just turned my day around.
He leaned in to kiss me but I just leaned away and told him no.
Only because we were in Smoothie King and I just think that is inappropriate because:
1) there are cameras
2) it would have been out in the open
3) he said he didn't have a valentine so I wasn't going to let him forget that he didn't have one.
Okay I know it might not have been what Ishoudl have done but by the end of this you will understand how it turned out to be a good thing :)

So he hung out for a little while longer and before he left to go to work I asked him if he really wanted a kiss.
Of course he said yes lol
So I turned around and handed him 5 Hershey's kisses.
He laughed and didn't think I was serious that those were the only kisses he was getting.
Oh, but I was serious.
He leaves and tells me to come over once I get a break but I told him that I was working by myself practically all night so he said he would wonder over and hang.
Okay so the whole night was super busy!
My mind was not really on anything but work that day.
So obviously it was a surprise when he actually came back over to talk.

We talked a little bit more and then he had to go back to work.
Well as I was sitting there I thought long and hard about what I really wanted.
I wanted a kiss.
And by-golly I was going to get it!
Well, okay it took a while to get up the guts to go over there but eventually I did.
So I walked over there and asked him to meet me in the alley.

Okay, hold on to your hats people because this is where it gets good!
He met me out back and I walked up to him and....
planted a big one on him!
Me... Jordan!
Yep, I sure did
Who I am?!
I don't know but I am so glad I did it!
I cannot tell you how big my smile was walking away from him.
Best. Day. So. Far!

Even though the day started out really crappy and I just wanted it to end the second it started, I had the power to turn it around.
I took the day into my own hands and did not let it get the best of me.
So Valentine's Day, you still suck but you were not too bad this year :)

"When I look into your eyes there is a force I can't deny"

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