Tuesday, February 1, 2011


I have so much on my mind right now.
Today has been a really good day and I hope it doesn't go bad.
I got a message from the guy I really like saying he wanted to be "completely honest" with me.
It scares me because I really like this guy and I don't know if it's something major or something small.
It might be major to him but small to me but either way I am still really nervous.
Not knowing and wondering is the hardest spot to be in.
Tell me I'm crazy and that it's nothing to worry about.
I mean he even mentioned it was nothing to worry about but I still worry.
Just because of who I am.

I want with all my heart for this, what ever this might be, to work out.
When I look at him, time stops and my world seems to just glow.
I don't know how to even begin to describe what I feel when I see him smile.
You can't even imagine what I felt when he said he wanted to stay in Nac for a while.

It's the little things that he does to make me smile.
I love seeing him light up when he sees me.
I love the smile I get on my face when I see him.

There are so many things that just fit.
So many things that make me want to know more and get this right!
I can't let this guy slip out of my hands.
He is everything I could have ever imagined.
He is just beyond words!

Hence why I am nervous about his news...

But on the plus side... he trusts me enough to be honest with me and I am completely respectful of that :)

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