Sunday, February 6, 2011

PACKER Paradise!

So since the... beginning of time, okay okay, since the 15th week of the football season I knew the Packers were going to go all the way up to the top!

I really thought it was going to be the Packers vs. the Patriots but they lost to the Jets and the Jets lost to the Steelers so it was a Steelers/ Packers Super Bowl.

But it was such a GREAT game!

My adrenaline was pumping and I was so excited throughout the ENTIRE GAME!

I HATE the Steelers so I am so GLAD they DID NOT WIN!

My hatred for them in more than my hatred for McDonalds burgers, and that is frankly a lot.

Anyways, literally the minute I walked into the living room the Packers scored so I knew it was going to be a GREAT game!

THe Packers had the 1st half! They dominated the 1st half but in the 3rd quarter that Steelers dominated the football.

It was 21-17 for the longest time and then finally it turned to 28-25. Then MY PACS pulled through and scored a TOUCHDOWN!!!

31-25 was the final score!

I was screaming and yelling and cheering and everything else.


Now... the only problem is trying to figure out what I am going to do now that football season is over.

But now Abby and Yvette are watching one of our favorite shows... GLEE!!!!

It's AWESOME so far!

They have already sung one of my favorite songs "Need You Now" and it's just going to get better!

I love this show!

Okay well I have to get back to watching GLEE and stop blogging lol

Talk to you later!!

Oh and PS:
     -everything in my past couple of blogs you can ignore. There was a lot going on in my head that wasn't really going on in reality. So what ever I thought I did "wrong" there was nothing to be worried about... So here I am ready to rock and go with the flow :)

see ya :)

1 comment:

  1. Just discovered your blog.

    All I can say is...where did I go wrong? Why do you hate the Steelers so much? :(

    All in all though, if we had to lose to anyone, I'm glad it was Green Bay.
