Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Primary Colors

First let me vent:

Okay. I am the manager. Meaning I am someones boss. Okay with that in mind please tell me why someone would TEXT me at 6:15 in the morning saying they would not be coming into work this morning?! Yes, this happened... this morning. I was thrown into panic mode because this person lives at least 45 minutes away and the store HAS to be opened BY 7AM! People are waiting outside at like 6:50AM for their smoothie. So you can understand my reason for panic... So what do I do? I go into boss-man mode and get on the phone and start calling people. Luckily these people answered their phone and were able to come in and cover for this other person. But I am not their mom. It is NOT MY JOB to find someone to cover their shift. This just pisses me off. I am still really irritated at the fact that she couldn't do it herself. I mean I will find someone to cover because that store HAS to be opened. Come hell of high water, those doors have to be unlocked at 7AM. I don't care if you have a 103 fever, if you cannot find someone to come in for you, your butt better be up at my store ready to go for the day. Now that I have that out of the way...

Today in my TV Production class we were talking about lighting and tapes and film and etc.
Okay okay. blah, blah, blah... I won't bore you with the details but I will tell you that there are 3 primary colors in TV, as there are in crayons. Apparently, green is now a primary color. I have known what RGB stood for but my professor was explaining RGB and why it's used in TV and he said that RGB stood for Red, Green and Blue... "the three primary colors". First of all I was almost positive that the three primary colors were Red, blue and Yellow because you cannot make these colors from any other colors. I mean, yeah I get why we use RGB in TV and photography but I think I was the only one that laughed when he said "primary colors" because my first thought was the Red, Blue and Yellow were the three primary colors. But maybe that was just me. For those confused please let me know... but I don't think you want me to go into detail about why we use RGB in TV and photography. So just so you know the three primary colors ARE Red, Blue and Yellow. lol


Also today, I went to the Athletic Conditioning class for the first time since I barfed the very first time I went. I can tell you it was not as hard but I am going to be sore tomorrow. "Boy" was suppose to go but he forgot he had basketball practice from 5:30-7PM. No biggie. I understand about practicing because I am a coach too and I hate when I have to cancel practice. And I would never expect him to cancel a practice for me. I am not that type of person. But I was kind of bummed that he wasn't able to come but at the same time I might be glad because I don't want to look like a fool... just yet lol. Wait till he sees me playing Just Dance 2 then it will be a huge laugh fest! But I did invite him to go bowling with us on Thursday so we shall see if he goes to that. If not he is off Friday and Saturday so maybe we can do something then. Hopefully.... geez!


One more thing!
Okay so I was working today from 12-4PM and the town "celebrity" Brad ..... who works for State Farm Insurance came in today. No big deal really because he comes in almost everyday but today he asked me if I was going to school down here. I said yes and of course the next question was about my major. So I told him that I was majoring in Advertising and minoring in Radio/TV. Then, of course, the next question was when was I suppose to be done. I told him I graduate in August but I planned on staying here for like ever and was planning on getting my masters in business because I want more experience in the business aspect. But I told him I wasn't going anywhere for a while because I love the town and you know what he told me?!
He told me that I should drop off my resume with his assistant Whitney and that he definitely wanted to take a look at my resume. Maybe there is some potential here. Who knows... Smoothie King may have a new manager by the Fall semester. I am for sure going to draw up a resume and turn one in like by Friday and see what happens.
There is a reason for everything. Maybe this was a sign that Smoothie King might not be in my future and a more promising career is in my future.
There are a lot of things to think about but I am still going to turn in my resume and see what happens. Hey it doesn't hurt to try!


So my day went from REALLY crappy start to a RAELLY pleasent end!
Who knows what tomorrow brings...


1 comment:

  1. Def pass him your resume. You never know, plus as the local "celebrity" he has other connections to pass you along to! Way to go!! Hey, when are you coming down, March will be here before you know it.
