Monday, February 7, 2011

Oh Mondays


It was actually a really good day today!
I actually played tennis today.
And you know...
I'm pretty legit!
Beware of my wicked serve!!

So before I went to my tennis class I took this new supplement called C4.
It says it will give you an "explosive workout"
Well not only did it give me that it also gave me EXPLOSIVE ENERGY!
I mean I have had so much energy running through my system since about 10:45 this MORNING!
I mean I am not complaining because it put me in a really great mood like all day,
but at the same time I had so much engery it was hard to know where to exert it all.

So I exerted it at work.
I was dancing and singing and just all over the place.
I have never had so much fun at work.
I might have scared a few people but I think I am more entertaining and fun with a butt-load of energy.
Maybe it's just me.
I mean I naturally have a LOT of energy but today it was just out. of. control.

Today I also went to lunch with Sharon and Yvette.
We talked about boys, and school and basically just "girl stuff"
I also went to wal-mart and picked up some contact solution and a tennis racket so I don't have to use the ones at the HPE.
It is exactly like Abby's but hey that's okay because Abby is like legit in shape and I aspire to be as athletic and in shape as her.
And if I have to start with a racket, by golly that's where I am going to start.

Oh, I also set up an appointment for Miss Dakota to get snipped!
Maybe she won't be so hyper and crazy and energetic after the surgery.
I love her the way she is but sometimes it can be a bit much.
Much like, I'm sure, I was a bit much for some people today.

I have saved the BEST NEWS for last!!!








OMG!!! I was waiting for like EVER for this package!
I mean the stupid snow in Dallas got in the way of me having it by Friday.
But hey, I got it and I am wearing my jacket RIGHT NOW!
And I am going to wear my Super Bowl XLV shirt tomorrow for sure!
I am so excited!

So today...

Has just been great!

OH! And I got to see and talk to the boy which made my day even better :)

Peace out girl scouts. I have to finish my homework... bleh

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