Thursday, February 17, 2011


Ohkay... so I just have to start out by saying that every day just keeps getting better and better!
Of course I don't want to jinx it!!
But I just wanted to say that I could not be in a better place right now.
Life is going so well and things are going great!

Boy and I have an official date on Saturday!
Then I get to go home and see my family!
That's always a plus!
And I get to see my brother's "puppy" Buddy and as much as I don't like how much he licks you he is a cute dog and such, such a sweetie!
I get to bring home a trampoline and that's super cool!

Basically it's getting easier and easier to smile these days.
Yes, a lot of it has to do with Boy but my room mates have a lot to do with it too!
It's always so much fun hanging out with them.
They know how to cut a rug and have a good time :)

It's always  a plus when I am with my roommates.
They know me so well and I am so glad they are in my life.
Best Friends for sure!
Well at least I think we are :)

I know this blog seems really random but that's kind of how I am feeling right now lol
Well I don't really know what else to put... so that's that.

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