Saturday, February 12, 2011


I start to become unsure of my situation with him when I do not know what is going on.
I am the type of person who is used to being in control.
I know what is going to happen next because I am the one who plans it.
I organize things.
I make things happen for myself.
Sometimes this can scare some guys off.
And you know what...
They just were not man enough to handle a real woman.
Yes, I can be assertive sometimes.
And I might jump the gun every once in a while.
But that is just who I am.
I don't know if I like "control" per say but I do like to know what my next step is going to be.
With him I never know what to expect.
I want to build this up from solid ground.
But he is really attractive and I'm afraid that some girl is going to come along and swoop him off his feet and then there I am standing holding my broken heart again.
I am really flattered when he gets jealous.
Because he doesn't know but I don't have eyes for anyone else.
So I think it's sweet when he gets nervous about me talking to another guy.
I admit sometimes I try to make him jealous but I have only done that once with him.
All the other times he assumed I was "into" the other guy.
I want to think that he only has eyes for me too.
I have a feeling he does by the way he looks at me.
I can't even explain the way he looks at me.
It is literally the best feeling in the world when he looks at me.
It's a good feeling to have someone like him in my life.
I must have hit some sort of lucky poll or something because I am so lucky to know him.
He has goals.
He coaches youth basketball.
He has an amazing talent!
I love to see his smile.
His smile is worth a million unspoken words.
I just have to trust in the man above.
The hardest part is figuring out why and how I can be deserving of such a great guy.
I guess I just have to see where He takes me.
Here are to those feelings unspoken...

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