Friday, February 4, 2011

Oh Boy

I am constantly questioning myself and who I am.
I mean, I know who I am, but it's other aspects in my life that I tend to question.
Like if I should grow my hair out, should I eat this or that?, and right now does he like me...
I am constantly putting myself in situations that get me in emotional trouble.
Why do I have any reason to doubt him?
I don't...
But I just always put these situations in my head and they turn out to be wrong and then everything goes wrong.
So here is what I have to do...

I have to focus on the here and now and just roll with the punches.
Don't think too much into anything.
Don't over think anything.
Just live in the moment and take a few chances.
Taking a few chances isn't going to hurt me.
I need to not focus so much on what my "gut" says because most of the time... it's wrong.

Many times have I thought too much about something and I just think and think and think about every possible outcome or situation and because I think too much I think myself out of something and that's not what I want to do anymore.

If you know who I am talking about when I say "him" then follow me...

He is a great guy.
He was completely honest with me over something that most people wouldn't want to talk about.
He respects me and my space.
He makes me laugh.
He makes me smile.
He makes all my fears disapear.
He makes the whole world stand still.
He just is unlike anyone else I've ever met.

I'm not complaining by any means, but I just don't understand what it is that just makes me hesitate?
What has he ever given me to doubt?

And yet here I am thinking that I have made him mad or upset and there really hasn't been anytime
for any of this to happen.
So I think I might actually be making matters worse by putting a negative spin on something that was never, EVER, negative!

So here is to living in the moment and NO MORE WORRIES!
Screw the stress!
Screw messing this up!
Taking a new turn on life and just "going with the flow".
No looking back now!

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