Sunday, February 27, 2011

More Than Words

I just have to say that I have some of THE BEST friends!
Spoiling me on my "birthday" was amazingly... fun!
And birthday is in quotes cause my birthday is actually tomorrow.
But hey, who's checking?!
But I mean seriously!
Some of the BEST friends EVER!!!
I mean just LOOK at the cake they bought me:

I mean come on!
How do you get much better than that?!
Okay so my "birthday" night was AWESOME!
I had so much fun and I could not have celebrated it better :)
I am glad everyone was able to stop by and share that experience with me!
I will not go into detail as to what happened but just know that it was awesome!
Okay so Saturday we went out to IHOP for breakfast.
I had four eggs, four strips of bacon and an english muffin with a carafe of OJ!
It. Was. An. Amazing. Breakfast!
We talked and laughed and I told my Alaska story.
Yes, the Alaska story was mentioned.
It hardly goes a month without getting brought up.
But it's okay because without the Alaska story, I would have nothing.
After breakfast we came back home and got ready for my soccer game.
Well, it was an interesting game.
We lost.
You know what it's okay.
They are only 5 and it's just a game to them.
There are more games to come so maybe we'll win some!

Game was over and so we came back home and watched a documentary or something.
OH Toddlers and Tiaras.
They had one in Nacogdoches!
Those girls were really cute!
There was this one girl, a red-head, and she was interesting to watch.
Her eyes lit up and it was so weird.
She looked like she could go crazy at any point in time and kill us all.
It was a good episode though.

Then we went and ran some "errands" and then it was time for dinner.
Yep, dinner.
We went to Delacroix, the Cajun restaurant by CVS.
Interesting enough... I went on a blind date.
Yeah, it was interesting.
Honestly, I knew within the first 10 seconds of meeting him that there were no sparks.
No chemistry.
No fireworks.
I am glad I went though because now I know my feelings for Rodney are for sure.
I don't have to question whether or not I like him,
Or how much I like him.
I know and always knew I liked him.

The whole weekend I wanted him here with me.
I wanted to feel his touch.
When I looked over at this guy sitting next to me at dinner,
All I wanted was Rodney to be there.
And today when I knew he was coming back from visiting his family, all I wanted to do was run up to his work and give him a HUGE hug and kiss and just tell him I am glad to be in his arms.

It's amazing how things work out.
And I'm glad they have been working out so well :)
But tomorrow is another day and hopefully I'll get to see him.
I mean it is my birthday and all ;)

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