Saturday, February 5, 2011

Never Be Afraid

Take a glance in the mirror and what do you see?
Most of you might just see yourself.
But if you look closer could you see more?
Look past the glass and past the reflection.
Look inward and see your true self.
Past the skin that covers your body.
Past the scars and past the bruises.
Past every fear and past every bad memory.
In to the eyes of your soul.
In to your heart.
What do you see?
Do you see someone funny?
Someone smart?
Someone worthwhile?
You are more than what you see in your reflection.
Never be afraid to show off your smile.
To show off your eyes.
To show off your personality.
Never be afraid to be yourself.
Never be afraid to laugh.
To smile.
To cry.
To hurt.
To need.
To want.
To win.
Or to lose.

Never be afraid to just be you :)

Sometimes Life Happens and you just have to roll with the punches

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