Wednesday, February 9, 2011

"I Used To Be Fat"

Yes, I did but I am talking about the show, "I Used To Be Fat."
These storie are a true inspiration to America.
I mean you have these people who can't run a mile and by the end of the show they are running a 5K in under 45 minutes!
Being over weight is never fun.
But the change and the motivation has to come from within.
You can have someone yelling at you and telling you to do this and do that but until you WANT it you are always going to hate the way you look.
It literally took me buying a size 20 jeans to realize I was on a downward slope.
Now, I have a trainer and I can do Advanced Group Classes at the gym and you know what I can finish them and I walk out feeling like I have conquered the world.
This episode I watched was truly inspirational to me.
She wanted to run a mile in under 10 minutes.
10 mintes...
That is still really slow, to me.
But I remember when I was in that same boat.
This girl weight 263 pounds at the beginning of her training.
At her final weigh in she weighed 222 pounds.
There are other people who have lost up to 120 pounds all in 90 DAYS!
As I was watching her and watching her dad cheer her on and want to go to her workouts was really emotional for me.
I wanted that.
I wanted someone there to cheer me on and to say that I could do it.
I wanted someone there to push me to my limit.
I wanted someone there to say, "screw all those coaches who told you you couldn't do it."
But this girl had it.
She had her whole family behind her.
She has now lost a total of 80 pounds.
Good for her!
Keep it up!
And if you are struggling losing those last few pounds know that you can do it!
Someone believes in you!

This was me at the beginning of 2008

This was me last Saturday :)

1 comment:

  1. You really are doing a great job Jordan. I am super proud of you! should absolutely give that fellow your resume. If you have any video on CD or DVD to use as a portfolio, you should hand that in as well.

    Keep up the good work!
