Monday, February 21, 2011


Saturday was an awesome day!
Friday night was game night and that actually went rather well!
We played Wii Resort Sports and bowling!
We played 100 pin bowling and I hit ALL 100 the very first TIME!!!
I was so excited!
Until everyone else got a strike as well...
I still gave it my all and had tons of fun!
We also played the Michael Jackson Dance Revolution and Things.
The Michael Jackson Dance Revolution was awesome!
I really want this game!
I had so much fun!
I played like 5 times :)
And I don't even need to mention how fun Things was.
I had a BLAST on Friday.
People stayed over until about 1AM.
That's how fun it was :)
So Saturday I woke up, got ready and went to my training session with Scott.
Yvette came and I think she enjoyed it.
It was more intense cardio than anything else.a
Which, I don't mind.
But we had to do sprints and I am not really a sprinter.
I am a sprinter only when I really push myself or I have to sprint.
Scott had us do suicides and needless to say I was not a fan.
We did other stuff like rows with a kettle-bell and we threw a 12 pound medicine ball up in the air as high as we could.
We also did push-ups and berpies and lots of jumping.
This is why I have such a hard time going to aerobics.
If I can do this sort of stuff and be totally fine then obviously aerobics is like starting back at the basics.
Okay so anyways I had fun and I hope Yvette did too.
But we were really muddy and dirty after because we had to be on the ground and crap.

So I had to pick up Boy at 11:30AM and it was already 11:05AM by the time we got back.
Yvette and  literally had less than 30 minutes to shower, get ready and walk out the door.
Did we do it>
I even got to blow dry my hair, put a little makeup on and straighten my hair!
Crazy right?!
Well it happened and we did it!
We showered and were out the door by 11:29AM!!
Went to pick up Boy and you know what...
He actually came :)
It made me really happy to see him, not only on a Saturday but ready to go to my soccer game.
It was really good to see him on the sideline having a good time.
Even though he didn't want to go to my game at first.

He kept his pinky promise, even after his friend told him to ditch my game and go hang out with him.
That meant a lot to me :)
But he said he had fun and said he was almost positive that he wants to go again.
Well, even though he was on the sideline... the CrazyLegs lost :-/
It's totally okay.
It's not that big of a deal, but it is always nice to win.
I had fun, and I think the kids did too.
And it's not like there are not 10 more games in the season :)
Always a chance to make a comeback!

After the game was the best part.
Boy kept kis date with me and took me out to lunch.
We went to Peking and he paid!
This is definitely a step in the right direction :)
We sat down at a booth, across from each other and started talking.
He mentioned something about him working out and getting bulkier.
I just kind of dismised the conversation until he brought it up again.
I told him that I don't care if he has big muscles, it's his body and he can do what ever he wants with it,
But the only reason I am concerned is because last time I had a guy go on a Spring Break trip to the beach...
He ended up sleeping with like 3 or 4 different girls.
It took almost a year for me to really get over him and finally move on.
But the fact that it could happen again really scared me.
Boy says he promises he won't do anything.
And I think he gets upset that I don't fully trust him.
It's not because I don't want to...
It's just hard when it's a similar situation.

That conversation was the most tense just because of the subject,
But everything else went well.
He told me he could always tell when I was blushing because I turned bright red.
He also told me it was cute when I did that.
I showed him a video of me dancing to Michael Jackson and he was impressed with how much rhythm I have.
In order to show him, I obviously had to move over to his side of the booth ;)
He had his arm around me and he pulled me in closer.
After we watched the video we just kind of sat there.
Nothing was said.
Nothing needed to be said.
The silence said it all.

He hugged me closer and then took my phone and started to play Angry Birds.
He played for about 15 minutes and then gave me my phone back.
He put his arms back around me and asked me if I had to go to Dallas.
I told him that I had to because he was going to be hanging out with his Frat brothers all night,
So it's not like I would see him anyway.
And I had to go get the trampoline and bring it back for my party on Friday!

But there was a point when he had his arm around me and he said something and I just looked up at him.
I cannot explain what I felt in that moment.
I felt... safe.
I felt... content.
I felt... happy.
Happy to be there with him.
Happy to be there in his arms.
Happy that he wanted me there :)

After lunch I dropped him off at the house.
Yes, in case you were wondering,
We did kiss.
I just love kissing him.
I love how I feel when I kiss him.
I love how I feel after I kiss him.
Never have I wanted to kiss anyone more!
And I got to kiss him Monday, Thursday and Saturday!
Not that I am keeping track or anything :)

After all that I got all packed and hit the road.
Now I am sitting in the new place typing up a storm because so much has happened.
I have a REALLY long drive and day tomorrow so this is all I got for you guys!
We also got a lawn mower for our house!
Now we don't have to borrow our landlords.
Okay now I am off to bed for a good nights rest :)

"Trust in your heart and follow your dreams"

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