Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Too Close to the Sun

One should realize that tanning for nine minutes isn't that long but say it's been over a month... then nine minutes becomes like 15, and that is A LOT in a tanning bed. 
The last time I went to Blue Lagoon was January 4, 2011.
Well, I went back today because I want to get what I paid for and if I am paying for the membership then I am going to use it.
But when you are constantly running around like a chicken with your head cut off it's kind of hard to find time to go in.
I found some today!
And if you haven't figured it out yet, I went for nine minutes.
Nine minutes was a little too long.
If I could take a picture of my back I would because it is REALLY red!
But I will show you my thigh...
 Yes, this is what my entire body looks like
 Okay so we get this picture... literally. lol
 Well, I do plan on going back but maybe in a day or so :)

This was the later part of my day.
Earlier was pretty good do.
But I have to tell you that I am senoritous really bad!
I like have no drive or energy to go to my classes.
I mean, I go, but I just don't have any drive to.
I force myself to go to my classes.
It's painful.
Once I get there I am glad I went but the next time I have to talk myself into going.
Like the other day I was lying in bed and really wanted to skip but I still got up and went.
I had to talk myself into getting up and going because it was a class for my minor and I need it to graduate.
I am going to graduate in August!
I just have to find the missing link and get the drive to go to my classes!

Anyways, enough of that...
Saw Boy today and I think he is starting to put forth a real effort now and that really makes me smile.
Not that he didn't before I think he was just trying to figure out where he wanted this to go and if he really wanted to pursue me.
I have hope that this will work.
I am happy with where things are and I just have remember that he is worth the wait :)

“Forget about all the reasons why something may not work. 
You only need to find one good reason why it will.”

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