Monday, February 28, 2011

February 28th

Today is just another day.
Well, kind of...
Today was my birthday.
Yes, the day of my birth :)
And today happened to turn out to be one of the best days of my life!

Today was nothing out of the ordinary.
I got up, watched a documentary, took a shower and went to my classes.
Played some tennis, did some Zumba and Salsa Dancing.
Ate lunch with Yvette.
Went to the bank for Smoothie King.
Came back and saw the one person I had wanted to see ALL DAY!!

After 3 days, I don't think I was more excited to see one person in my entire life!
Especially after that date I had.
 I have never wanted to hug him more than I did today.
I got my hug and I just wanted to hang on forever.
I know he doesn't like PDA but I didn't care.
I was going to get my hug because I just wanted to be in his arms.

So after I got my hug and talked to him for a little bit, Yvette and I went to Lufkin.
We bought some shoes!
I got these HOT red pumps and some HOT black pumps as well!
I LOVE these pumps!!
I drove all the way to Lufkin to have these pumps!
Anyways, I bought these awesome pumps and totally wore my red ones out to dinner tonight!
We went to Auntie Pasta's for my choice of dinner.
It was really good, if I do say so myself!
I had the Mediterranean Mahi Mahi.

After dinner we went to Marble Slab and I got some Tiramisu ice cream.
It was amazingly rich and tasted almost exactly like Tiramisu cake.
 Ate my ice cream and then went down and got some birthday kisses!
 Heck if I was going the whole day with out them!
 I went 3 days without seeing him and while I was sitting at Marble Slab it came to me.
I suddenly wanted a kiss.
So you know what... I went and got them.

They couldn't have been any sweeter :)
I met him in the alley and gave him a hug then he looked at me and kissed me.
I put my hands on his face and just kissed him like I hadn't seen him in a long while.
After realizing how much he meant to me on Saturday night, I really wanted to show him how much he meant and the best way I could was through touch.
I could not have asked for a better end to my day!

 That's it for me today... well other than the fact that Yvette and I are watching a documentary on Netflix about a very racy subject but hey, it's whatever ;)

"You have a way of moving me. A force of nature, your energy. 
It comes naturally. Naturally. And it takes my breath away."

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