Friday, February 4, 2011

Let your dreams take flight

Why can't life be more like a Disney movie?
High School Musical for instance...
I wish I could go on a cruise, meet a random guy, end up at the same high school and fall in love for the rest of forever.
The song "Can I Have This Dance?" is amazing.
Here are some of the lyrics:

It's like catching lightning the chances of finding someone like you
It's one in a million, the chances of feeling the way we do
And with every step together, we just keep on getting better
So can I have this dance (can I have this dance)
Can I have this dance

I mean talk about making a girl blush!
If would love to play this at my wedding that's all I have to say.
But seriously, the way "Troy" looks at "Gabriella" is unlike anything I have ever seen.
He loves her all the way down to his toes!
Everything is so easy and life comes with no big hesitations and songs!
If my life had a song I have no idea what it would say but the underlying meaning would be something like:

"Life goes on..."

But seriously, Disney knows how to make life and love easy!
I know, I know they are just movies but still it's always given me hope watching these movies.
These characters that Disney creates are everything that we, as kids and adults, want to be.
I mean if I could be like any Princess I would definitely want to be Belle.
Beacuse she sees past the outer exterior of The Beast and ends up falling for him despite his rough exterior.
I know I could be Ariel, or Aurora or Cinderella.
But why would I want that?
Ariel constantly fights with everyone around her.
Aurora never really knew her family and was living in seclusion until she was 16.
Cinderella was hated by her step-mother and cleaned every second of every day.
Pocohontas has to choose between family and love and her love ended up getting shot and had to be shipped back to England.
Snow White lives in fear and is alseep for half of the movie.
Jazmine, she was okay because she fell for Aladdin who was a "street-rat" but I still wouldn't be able to be couped up in that castle living under all those rules!

If life were like some of these movies it would be so easy.
I am glad that we can at least just pop in a movie of someone's life being so perfect.
But I am glad that my life is the way it is.
With all the ups and downs and twists and turns.

Without those mistakes, or life lessons, I would not be who I am and I would not be where I am today.
Yes, Disney has a way of making life look easy and they make finding love seem like it's easier than you think and it's right there under your nose.
Given it might be under you nose and you just haven't opened your eyes wide enough yet, but my point is that even though Disney makes it look easy and the songs are saying everything that we have ever wanted to say don't lose sight of life.

Sometimes we get caught up in the fantasy and lose sight of reality.
Disney has a great way of taking love and making it something that we all want and end up searching for but take it with a grain of salt.
Beacuse love takes work.
You cannot expect someone to just randomly sweep you off your feet and turn your entire life arond.
You cannot expect roses and balloons and all that to randomly show up in your bedroom or office.
You cannot expect someone to run out from the rain and tell you they love you.
You cannot expect someone to say: "But most of all, I choose the person who inspires my heart. Which is why picked a school which is exactly thirty two point seven miles from you."

I mean okay maybe you can expect it but only from those guys who really know how to show their love and affection.

I'm not going to lie to would be nice for someone to randomly be at my door, in the rain, and tell me that through everything we've been through he can't stand to lose me.
Then pull me close and kiss me.

Hey, everyone can dream right?!

Anyways, as I was saying Disney is a great way to escape into a world where anything is possible!

Let your dreams take flight :)

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