Thursday, February 10, 2011


Okay. So there is a lot on my mind but I don't know really exactly where to start. I'm literally drawing a blank. I mean there's so much going through my head...

Random thoughts.
Funny stories.
Inside jokes.

I mean literally a lot of things are constantly running through my mind.
Right now it's the conversation I had with "boy" today.
He's a really great guy.
I mean really great.

His personality is very laid back.
He makes me laugh.
He makes me smile.
He just makes me feel good about myself.

Anyways, I was questioning if we had any potential.
I was really stupid to even think otherwise.
But it's good to know that we are on the same page now.

I still might question it.
But I hope he knows that it's not him.
I've just never had anything this good stick around.
So I start to get worried and that's when I start questioning things.

I have just got to keep telling myself that this is good.
This... this is everything I have ever wanted.
And I don't want to mess this up.

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