Friday, March 4, 2011


So since my last post I have become sick and pretty much voiceless.
It's pretty awesome...
Yeah, not.
But apparently being voiceless is better than my normal voice because according to Rodney I have a "squeaky voice" 
And a crooked toe
And a red scalp
Oh! and it's a problem that I bite my nails.
GEEZ lol
He was just messing around but still I mean geez way to criticize me!
Anyways so it sucks not having a voice.
I feel like I sound like a man.
"A sexy man" (Rodney)
But none-the-less a man...
It hurts to breathe because my throat feels so raw and numb.
I hope this passes soon because I don't mind being a little bit sick but feeling like I can't pick up a two pound weight it just awesome.

Other than being sick, I have been working and doing some school projects, oh and coaching my little soccer kids.
It's been pretty crazy but honestly I wouldn't trade my life for anyone elses.
I love my life right now.
I have awesome roommates/ best friends.
I have awesome friends.
I have a great family!
I love my job.
I am with a great guy who means the world to me :)
I am busy but I still find time to have fun!

Life couldn't get any better than this!
I am thanking God right now for everything in my life :)
He is awesome and I am truly, truly blessed!

"To the world you might be one person. But to one person you might be the world."

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