Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Long Days Ahead

I have been so busy the past couple of days it's been insane.
Not to mention I haven't seen or talked to Rodney in two days.
It's weird but I've actually kind of gotten used to not seeing him.
I know that seems weird but I'm so busy that's he's lucky when I do get to see him..
Yes, it would be nice to see him everyday and talk to him at least once a day, but with my busy schedule and the fact he doesn't have a phone... 
Communicating is kind of interesting, to say the least.
But with me constantly running around like a chicken with my head cut off it's easier for me to focus on something other than him.
I like staying busy, don't get me wrong, but I feel as if my days just get longer and longer.
And with my projects starting to build up and work starting to need more attention, plus my soccer games, plus my best friend is getting married in 3 months so I have all of her showers to go to/ host, plus going to school FULL time and trying to graduate in August...
It's surprising I have time to breathe, let alone spend time with Rodney.
What ever happened to nap time?
Well where ever it is I hope it comes back really soon ;)

Anyways, Mike is coming down tomorrow and I am hopefully going to talk to him about getting a raise or going on salary.
I mean, I do the work of 4 people so I should get more than $8.25 and hour.
I place orders, do the inventory, actually work in the store, do the bank runs, make sure everything is up and running, I come in when someone doesn't want to or cannot work, and I basically pick up the slack that every one leaves behind.
I don't mind doing the work of 4 or 5 people but when I get 15 days behind on my reports... yeah a second person to help would be awesome!
But anyway I do plan on bringing up the fact that I was promised a raise in OCTOBER and it is now MARCH and I am still raise-less.
I mean without me, honestly, that store (now days) would be nothing.
I learned from the best! (Linsey)
It also helps that I am an Advertising Major so I can really step back and put my thinking cap on and actually use stuff I learn in school!!

Well, it's not a very long blog like all my others have been but it is getting late and I do have to get up early to finish up my laundry and my homework.... yeah lol

Night world :)

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