Saturday, March 26, 2011

These Times Are Hard

Have you ever felt like you just made the biggest mistake of your life?
That's kind of where I am at right now.
I was selfish, foolish and stupid.
And for that I am truly sorry.
I didn't put it into perspective of what fracturing your hand.
To me a hand it just a hand.
To me, I could break my hand and think nothing of it.
But for you, your hand is what connects you to your passion.
Your hand is your entire life.
Without it you can't express yourself.
You can't escape into a world all your own.
You're lost.
I need to be there for you.
Yes, I wanted for you to embrace me in your arms when you got back.
I wanted you to tell me how much you missed me.
I wanted the world to disappear.

I wanted so much more than the arguments that we got.
I wanted it to be all about me, but it should have been about you and what you are going through.
It's something I just never thought of until my mom put it into perspective for me.
With all of my heart I hope nothing has changed.
I can't stand to think of just walking by your work and not stopping in.
I can't imagine not looking into your eyes.
I don't want to date anyone else.
You are the one person who can make me so frustrated yet I still find myself with a smile on my face.
The one person who can tell me I'm sexy yet so very subtly.
The one person who can make me nervous no matter what time of day it is.
The one person who can give me goose bumps after making me laugh.
I needed to be there for you when you needed me most and I left you out to dry.
Time to turn this around.
Please don't give up on me!

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