Friday, March 18, 2011

Long Awaited

Okay so while I have not posted in a while nor have I posted about a blog addressing all those stupid boys that left me broken hearted... I am actually going to catch you all up on things that have happened recently.

For those of you who don't know on February 26, 2011, I went with 4 of my good friends to Casey's Tattoo. To answer the next question in your head... yes, I did get a tattoo. SHOCKING! Not really. I have wanted one for a while and it was a birthday gift from Yvette. Yes, it hurt like pain I have never felt before. And yes, I cried like a little baby wanting her mommy. But you know what, I am glad I went through with it. And I am super happy with the way it turned out. So for those of you who ever thought I couldn't do anything crazy or rebellious.... there you go.

And for those of my family members that read this, or might read this, yes I have already told Grandmother. She said it was interesting and that she was shocked but as far as a tattoo goes it's really elegant and graceful. Yes, I might be out of the Will but you know what, that's okay. I am never going to regret getting my tattoo.

Next on the list...
Have not run in a few days but hopefully I can start again tomorrow.

Also, my brother's dog, Buddy, will be living with Yvette, Abby, Dakota, Gates and I starting Sunday. My parents recently received some letters from the apartment complex management stating that Buddy had to be removed from the complex due to the number of complaints about Buddy bring a Pitbull. FIRST of all, Buddy is the nicest dog you will ever meet! Before he would ever THINK about attacking someone he would lick them to death. He has no mean bone in his body. But I am glad that I am able to accommodate Buddy at my house. Even though it's only until the summer at least I will have an excuse to go for a walk or a run and enjoy the beautiful days we have been getting :)
I never expect to hear from him while he was in Padre. And you know what I know he is down there having a great time. I will be ready to see his face again! As much as I like being alone it's so different because I got so used to seeing him almost everyday. I got used to his hugs. I was getting used to his sense of humor. And I just miss him. I don't know when he plans to come back but I will be glad to embrace him again. No, I am not "counting down the days", cause I know whenever he wants to see me he will find a way to find me or get to me. I trust him and I do believe that he has missed me... but we shall see and I will keep you posted :)

Man my family so so weird. Love them dearly and I would not have them any other way, but we need our own TV show! I got to see my brother!!! Which has been the best part of this break so far :) I hadn't seen him for almost 3 months and it was getting kind of ridiculous! Got to catch up with him and then today we all went out to dinner and Madison, his girlfriend, at Holy Frijolies and it was much enjoyed!

Well, now I am sitting in the apartment.... alone. Parents took Mackinzie to her lock-in at the church, which is all the way in Ft. Worth. So once again I am alone lol. Well... Dakota is here and I am watching Harry Potter.
Until tomorrow :)

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